Judo means "gentle way 'is a sport fighting and martial arts of ancient Japan. The type of defense has been spread around the world. The most prominent feature is its competitive element of the object is cast as hostile. On the ground, immobilize or subdue an opponent with planning an attack or force opponent sent off elbow joint, or by running tons. Appointment and thrusts (by hands and feet) as weapons defences as part of judo, but only in. Pre - format (Kata) and are not allowed in judo competition or free practice (Randori)
Japanese judo (from China: "gentle way") system of unarmed combat, now a major sport, such as Aikido, from Japanese soft style techniques termed Jujutsu / Jujitsu. Judo rule are complex and sports; Objective is to throw opponent cleanly, or pin him or his Master with any pressure to arm or neck. Techniques are generally designed to force open the contestants to benefit themselves rather than direct combat.
Rite of ethics in the practice aims to promote attitudes of peace and with confidence. Apparel usually called judogi a lose shirt and trousers of the whites strong. White belts to black wearing by novices and by mid-grade graduate with. Denoted by other colors.
Kano Jigoro (1860-1938) collected the knowledge of the old jujitsu schools of the samurai in Japan and 1882, he founded the Kodokan School of Judo, the sport started as art. The decade Judo Association was formed in part. Large and subsidiaries in Judo Federation with headquarters in Paris.

Rite of ethics in the practice aims to promote attitudes of peace and with confidence. Apparel usually called judogi a lose shirt and trousers of the whites strong. White belts to black wearing by novices and by mid-grade graduate with. Denoted by other colors.
Kano Jigoro (1860-1938) collected the knowledge of the old jujitsu schools of the samurai in Japan and 1882, he founded the Kodokan School of Judo, the sport started as art. The decade Judo Association was formed in part. Large and subsidiaries in Judo Federation with headquarters in Paris.
10:28 AM |
Judo Martial Arts
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